2016-03-07 ~ 2016-03-10

강의 내용보다는 기존에 몰랐던 표현을 수집하는데 치중.


- Trouble with a co-worker

- Dealing with the problem

This has been my presentation about something something.

work my way up to a full time position.

to make progress on a process or structure.

to be given or get a promotion

have breakfast/lunch/dinner.

without any definite/undefinite article

walk away

to stop being involved in a situation because it is difficult to deal with or does not give you any advantage.

it is wrong of someone to do that.

It is wrong of me to drive violently.

There's something wrong with me, wrong with my heart.

let something out

talk a problem out

to resolve a problem by talking

Company & Work

- About the first project

- Comparing past & present work

participate in

have the added responsibility (or responsibilities)

have less responsibility.

I would go to the park.  ≈ I used to go to the park.


- Recently watched movie

- About the Movie


Potluck party

When saying about a movie, use present tense.


To take away to an undisclosed location against their will and usually in order to extract a ransome (kidnap)

To pull away from the body

cannot stand

the credits went up…

Artic – Antarctic

The negative of used to

-       used not to: formal or British

-       didn’t used to: informal or America

-       never used to: always OK

-       Reference : http://www.pearsonlongman.com/ae/azar/grammar_ex/message_board/archive/articles/00074.htm



-       First visit to a café

-       The reason and the experience

Two coffees, three Cokes

-       are accepted in modern English, at a place where they serve drinks.

-       it’s better to use two cans of coffee, three bottles of Coke, a six-pack of beer in the store.

graduate from

-       I’ve graduated from the graduate school.

a mark of a college student

-       Drinking coffee is a mark of a college student.

at the time = at that time

throw up

-       To eject contents from the stomach through the mouth (vomit, vomit up)

as possible as it can

-       as far as possible

-       as [adjective] as possible (eg: as soon as possible)




-       Changes of your favorite park

-       Cause of the change


What do you think caused the change?

in two different ways, both in how it looks and also in the people who visit.


-       not circulating or flowing (stagnant water)

-       not growing or change; without force or vitality

smell awful

-       The pond smelled awful.


What made you decide to become a teacher?

WHEN as a conjunction

-       at or during the time that: I loved maths when I was at school.

-       at or during the time that, after

.   Call me when you’ve finished.

.   There was silence when she finished her description of her trip to Africa.

-       at or during the time that, whenever

.   Can you spare five minutes when it’s convenient?

-       after which and; and just then (implying suddenness)

.   He had just drifted off to sleep when the phone rang.

.   He was about to dictate into his recorder about the progress of his work when his mobile phone rang.

.   I had jus nodded off to sleep when I was woken up by an almighty crash from their house.

-       In view of the fact that; considering that

.   Why bother to paint it when you can photograph it with the same effect.

.   You cannot claim to give the facts straight when there is no-one giving the other view.

-       Although, whereas

.   I’m saying it now again when I should have told you long ago.

BOTHER has the several meanings

-       [V] To make the effort to do something / To annoy, worry, or cause problems for something.

-       [N] a big effort, trouble, worry

SHOULD HAVE is used to talk about past event that did not happen.

-       I should have let her know something horrible was happening there, but I ignored…

-       I shouldn’t have lie to her. I should apologize to her, but she is not here anymore.

-       He should have arrived at his office by now. Let’s try ringing him. (MAY)

-       He shouldn’t have arrived at his office. Because he is always late.

-       Reference: http://www.englishgrammarsecrets.com/shouldhave/menu.php



-       Reason to get interested

-       Change in your interests

in-depth information

We could access the Internet anytime, anywhere.

-       anytime = at any time

-       access the Internet ≈ connect to the Internet

I end up spending more time online.

-       end up : to finally be in a particular place or situation

back in college




-       Memorable experience

-       Happening in detail

I trade stocks.

lucky for me = fortunately

have a lot in common.

pronunciation of COMMON

-       BR /ˈkɒmən/

-       AM /ˈkɑː.mən/

We’ve been going out ever since I asked her out on a date. Then, we’re dating now.

My stocks have been skyrocketing.

Thanks to her (Due to her), my skill has improved and so has my salary.


-       Memorable incidence

-       Happening in detail

Pronunciation of ROUTE and ROUTER

-       ROUTER is always /ˈruː.tər/ in UK or /ˈraʊ.t̬ɚ/ in US

-       ROUTE is always /ruːt/ in UK. But in the eastern US /ruːt/ is preferred, and in the western US /raʊt/ is preferred.

-       Then I choose /raut/.

could have

-       Future study : http://www.englishgrammarsecrets.com/couldhave/menu.php

go out for a jog

RULE: [article] [adverb] [adjective] [noun]

-       a quite quick runner

There aren’t as many visitors as usual.

I was being followed.

I tripped over a large stone and fell on my face.

TRIP as a verb

-       ≠ HAVE A TRIP

-       to miss a step and fall or nearly fall / to cause stumble

I didn’t know where I was driving.

It’s better to be safe than sorry.



-       Trend in general preference

-       Comparing past & present

differences between vacations people used to take in the past and the ones they take today.

take a vacation

make money

-       earn money (income)

domestic/international trips/travel

go abroad

bed and breakfast

-       a room to sleep the night and a morning meal, or a private house or a small hotel offering this.

go + do-ing

-       go hiking / swimming / mountain climbing

go + do

-       go see the world, go catch a movie, …

catch a movie

-       “catch a TV” is not used

Nowadays, we are doing much better financially.


- Memorable place

- Likes & dislike


-       [adj] Nowadays, I could take overseas trips.

-       [adv] I’ve been saving money to study overseas/abroad.

afford to go on a long overseas trip

-       to be able to buy or do something because you have enough money or time.

.   We can’t afford to send our children to college.

.   There are not many people could afford to take overseas trips.

-       to allow someone to have something pleasant or necessary / to be the cause or source of

.   The hut afforded little protection from the elements.

.   The seat afforded her an uninterrupted view of the stage.

-       to be able to spare or give up

.   I can’t afford to spend two hours with him!

stand out

-       to project from a surface

.   The veins in his neck stood out.

-       to be easily noticeable

.   He was one of those men who stood out in a crowd.

-       to be clearly better or significant than someone or something

.   For issues stand out as being of crucial importance.

-       to persist in opposite or support something

.   She stood out against the Superhero Registration Act.


Posted by 배트